
The Top 10 Everyday Challenges Solved by Assistive Technology

The Top 10 Everyday Challenges Solved by Assistive Technology

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In a world where technology continually evolves to make life more convenient, assistive technologies emerge as a beacon of hope, especially for individuals facing physical, cognitive, or health-related challenges in their daily lives. These innovative solutions go beyond convenience, offering transformative changes and independence.

Here, we explore ten everyday challenges that assistive technology has significantly impacted, enhancing quality of life and autonomy for many.

1. Mobility Impairments: From advanced wheelchairs to exoskeletons, assistive technology has revolutionized mobility for individuals with movement impairments. Automated stair lifts, for instance, negate the challenge of stairs, and adaptive vehicles provide freedom that standard cars cannot.

2. Communication Barriers: For those with speech impairments, communication devices, including speech-generating devices, smartphones, and tablets with specialized apps, facilitate immediate and effective communication, breaking down barriers that once limited social interaction and professional communication.

3. Hearing Challenges: Modern hearing aids have transformed sound perception for individuals with hearing loss, incorporating noise-filtering technology, Bluetooth connectivity, and even integration with smartphones, thus enabling clearer conversations and a better auditory experience.

4. Visual Impairments: Screen readers and Braille technology allow visually impaired individuals to access digital content, while navigation aids featuring GPS, sensors, and auditory cues make traversing city streets safer and more accessible than ever before.

5. Fine Motor Skill Difficulties: Everyday tasks, like using a smartphone or typing, are now more accessible thanks to voice recognition technology and adaptive tools like specialized keyboards, making digital communication and internet use seamless for individuals with fine motor skill difficulties.

6. Learning Disabilities: Customizable learning software and apps cater to the unique needs of individuals with learning disabilities. Features such as text-to-speech, time management aids, and literacy software level the educational playing field, providing opportunities for a tailored learning experience.

7. Chronic Pain and Fatigue: Ergonomic assistive devices help those experiencing chronic pain or fatigue, performing everyday tasks with minimal effort. Automated home systems reduce the need for physical exertion, and wearable technology can monitor health conditions in real-time, alerting users and healthcare providers to potential concerns.

8. Memory Impairments: Digital assistants, smart reminder apps, and wearable alert systems help individuals with cognitive impairments or memory conditions maintain independence, manage daily tasks, and keep appointments, reducing stress and enhancing personal safety.

9. Social Interaction Difficulties: For individuals with social disabilities, virtual and augmented reality technologies provide simulated environments to practice social scenarios and responses, building confidence for real-world interactions.

10. Access to Information: Assistive technology promotes inclusivity with alternative format books, accessible e-readers, and audiobooks, ensuring individuals with various disabilities have equal access to information, literature, and all the resources the digital world has to offer.


Assistive technology has profoundly influenced countless lives, turning everyday challenges into manageable tasks.


These innovations continue to advance, driven by a commitment to creating an inclusive world where limitations are minimized, and opportunities abound. As we embrace these technologies, we contribute to a society where everyone has a chance to participate fully and independently in daily life.


At Ezable.com, we believe in empowering individuals by providing access to a wide range of assistive devices, fostering a sense of independence, dignity, and confidence in every person we serve.


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Aging-in-Place: How EZ Able® Products Help Seniors Maintain Independence

Aging-in-Place: How EZ Able® Products Help Seniors Maintain Independence

Aging in Place: Products that Help Seniors Maintain Independence

At EZ Able®, we understand the importance of maintaining independence and dignity as we age. We know that as life progresses, it can become challenging to navigate our homes safely and comfortably. That’s why we are here to offer a diverse range of products specifically designed to help seniors overcome these obstacles.

Our expertise lies in three main areas: plumbing, remodel showers, and accessibility. We understand the unique needs of seniors and provide solutions such as stairlifts and pool lifts. With EZ Able®, achieving independence has never been easier.

One of our primary focuses is ensuring bathroom accessibility. We recognize that bathroom accidents can be a significant concern for aging individuals. Slippery surfaces and hard-to-reach fixtures pose risks, but EZ Able® has the perfect solutions to make your bathroom safer and more accessible.

Our curbless showers eliminate the need to step over a high threshold, reducing the risk of falls and maximizing convenience. We also offer grab bars and shower seats, providing the necessary support to navigate your bathroom with confidence.

In addition to bathroom safety, we specialize in creating an overall accessible environment within your home. Our team of experts will assess your home and recommend modifications that make your daily tasks easier and more efficient.

Whether it’s widening doorways for wheelchair accessibility, installing ramps, or adjusting countertop heights, we have the perfect solutions tailored to your specific needs.

But accessibility doesn’t stop at home. EZ Able® also offers a range of mobility products designed to enhance outdoor access. Our stairlifts provide a practical and safe way to navigate stairs, giving you the freedom to move between floors with ease.

For those who enjoy swimming or relaxing in their pool, our pool lifts offer a convenient and secure way to enter and exit the water, promoting an active and healthy lifestyle.

At EZ Able®, we believe that aging-in-place is not just about staying in your own home; it’s about maintaining independence, dignity, and a high quality of life.

This belief drives us to provide innovative and reliable products that empower seniors to live life on their terms. Whether you’re a senior looking to make your home more accessible or a caregiver seeking solutions for a loved one, EZ Able® is here to help.

Our team of aging-in-place specialists is ready to assist you in finding the right products and modifications to make aging-in-place a reality. Don’t let the fear of losing independence hold you back from living your best life.

Explore the range of products and services offered by EZ Able® and take the first step towards maintaining independence and enjoying the comfort of your own home for years to come.

Vertical Platform Lift
Vuelift - Glass Tube Elevator

Home lifts, such are as residential elevators (home elevators), Vertical Platform lifts and Stairlifts play a significant role in enabling people to stay in their homes, especially as they age or if they have mobility issues.

Maximizing Comfort and Safety: Essential Mobility Products for Seniors

60 x 36 No Step Shower

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As we age, it’s natural for our mobility to become limited. However, this doesn’t mean we have to compromise on our comfort and safety.

Thanks to advancements in technology, there is now a wide range of mobility products available that can help seniors maintain their independence and improve their quality of life.

In this article, we will explore some essential mobility products that are designed specifically for seniors, allowing them to age in place with confidence.



One of the most common challenges faced by seniors living in multi-story homes is navigating the stairs. Stairlifts are a game-changer for those with limited mobility. Whether it’s due to arthritis, joint pain, or muscle weakness, climbing the stairs can be a daunting task. Stairlifts are designed to effortlessly transport individuals up and down the stairs, eliminating the risk of falls and injuries. They come in various models to suit different staircase configurations and can be easily installed in most homes.

Pool Lifts:

For many seniors, swimming is an enjoyable activity that provides both relaxation and gentle exercise. However, getting in and out of the pool can pose a significant challenge. Pool lifts offer a safe and convenient solution, allowing seniors to access the water easily. These lifts are specifically designed to raise and lower individuals into and out of the pool with minimal effort. With a pool lift, seniors can continue to enjoy the benefits of swimming while minimizing the risk of accidents and injuries.

Grab Bars:

Often overlooked, grab bars are a simple and affordable addition that can greatly enhance safety in bathrooms and other areas prone to slips and falls. Installing grab bars near toilets, showers, and bathtubs can provide seniors with the support they need to maintain balance and stability. These bars come in various lengths and styles, making them adaptable to most home decors. By incorporating grab bars into their living spaces, seniors can greatly reduce the risk of accidents and feel more confident and secure.


For seniors using mobility aids such as walkers, wheelchairs, or scooters, navigating steps and uneven surfaces can be a considerable challenge. Ramps provide a smooth and barrier-free transition between different levels, making it easier for seniors with limited mobility to move around their homes. Ramps can also be installed at entrances, allowing for easy access in and out of the house. With a ramp, seniors can maintain their mobility and independence, without the need for assistance.

At EZ Able® shop home & business, we understand the importance of maximizing comfort and safety for seniors. That’s why we specialize in providing a wide range of mobility products designed to enhance the quality of life for individuals aging in place. From stairlifts to pool lifts, grab bars to ramps, our products are carefully selected to offer the utmost convenience, security, and peace of mind.

It is crucial to prioritize the well-being and independence of our aging loved ones. By investing in essential mobility products, we can ensure that they age in place comfortably and safely. For more information and to explore our selection of mobility products, visit EZ Able® shop home & business website. Together, let’s make aging a positive and fulfilling experience.


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Vertical Platform Lift Installation Requirements

Vertical Platform Lift

Vertical Platform Lift Installation Requirements

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Installing a vertical platform lift is a complex task that requires careful planning, proper equipment, and adherence to safety regulations.

Vertical platform lifts are typically used to provide wheelchair accessibility or to transport individuals with mobility challenges between different levels of a building.

Here are the general steps involved in the installation of a vertical platform lift:

Assessment and Planning:

    • Assess the site where the lift will be installed. Consider factors such as space availability, structural support, and electrical connections.
    • Determine the appropriate type and size of the lift based on the specific needs of the users and the site conditions.

Permitting and Regulations:

    • Check local building codes and regulations regarding accessibility lifts. You may need permits or approvals from local authorities.

Site Preparation:

    • Prepare the site by ensuring it is level and free of obstacles.
    • Install any necessary structural supports, such as a concrete pad or reinforced flooring, to ensure the lift’s stability.

Electrical Work:

    • Ensure that there is a dedicated electrical supply available for the lift. This may require wiring and installation of a dedicated circuit.

Testing and Inspection:

        • Conduct a thorough test of the lift to ensure it operates smoothly and safely.
        • Check all safety features, including emergency stops and alarms.
        • Schedule an inspection by a qualified technician or an inspector from your local regulatory authority.

Final Adjustments and Calibration:

    • Fine-tune the lift’s operation and make any necessary adjustments to ensure it meets safety standards.
    • Calibrate the lift’s controls and settings to match the specific requirements of the installation.


    • Provide training to users and caregivers on how to operate the lift safely.
    • Ensure that users are familiar with emergency procedures and how to respond in case of a malfunction.


    • Establish a regular maintenance schedule to ensure the lift remains in good working condition. Maintenance typically includes inspections, lubrication, and replacement of worn components.

Documentation and Compliance:

    • Maintain detailed records of installation, inspections, and maintenance activities to demonstrate compliance with regulations and for future reference.
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EZ Able® sells and installs stairlifts, vertical platform lifts (A.K.A porch lifts), elevators for both residential and commercial applications.

Our Mission to to provide the innovative ideas, professional advice, great products and exceptional service to our customers

EZ Able® currently sell & installs lifts ONLY in Michigan. (2023)

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Acrylic vs. Fiberglass Bathtubs & Showers

60 x 36 No Step Shower

Acrylic vs. Fiberglass Bathtubs & Showers

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Acrylic and fiberglass are two common materials used in the construction of bathtubs and showers.

While they both offer certain benefits, they have distinct differences in terms of durability, appearance, maintenance, and cost.

Here’s a comparison of acrylic and fiberglass bathtubs and showers:



  1. Appearance: Acrylic surfaces have a smooth, glossy finish that can resemble porcelain or ceramic. They are available in a wide range of colors and styles, giving you more design options.
  2. Durability: Acrylic is generally more durable than fiberglass. It is resistant to chipping, cracking, and fading, and it can maintain its appearance over time.
  3. Warmth: Acrylic retains heat better than fiberglass, so the water in an acrylic bathtub tends to stay warmer for a longer period.
  4. Repairability: Acrylic can be repaired if it gets scratched or damaged. Repairs involve buffing out minor scratches or applying patch kits for larger damages.
  5. Weight: Acrylic is heavier than fiberglass, which can make installation more complex and might require extra support underneath the tub or shower.
  6. Maintenance: Acrylic surfaces are relatively easy to clean and maintain. They are less porous than fiberglass, which means they are less likely to accumulate dirt, stains, or soap scum.
  7. Cost: Acrylic tubs and showers are generally more expensive than fiberglass options. The increased cost is due to the higher durability and better overall quality.


  1. Appearance: Fiberglass surfaces can sometimes have a slightly less polished appearance compared to acrylic. They are often finished with a gel coat that gives a smooth but less glossy finish.
  2. Durability: While fiberglass is generally durable, it is more susceptible to chipping, cracking, and fading compared to acrylic.
  3. Warmth: Fiberglass doesn’t retain heat as effectively as acrylic, so the water in a fiberglass bathtub might cool down more quickly.
  4. Repairability: Small scratches or cracks in fiberglass can be repaired, but larger damages may be more challenging to fix effectively.
  5. Weight: Fiberglass is lighter than acrylic, making it easier to install and less likely to require additional structural support.
  6. Maintenance: Fiberglass can be more prone to staining and discoloration over time, as it’s more porous than acrylic. Regular cleaning and maintenance are important to keep its appearance.
  7. Cost: Fiberglass tubs and showers are generally more affordable than acrylic options. They are a budget-friendly choice for those looking for a lower-cost option.

EZ Able Showers offer a unique blend of the best feature of both Acrylic & Fiberglass.  They’re made with a fiberglass foundation, then topped with an Acrylix finish – which makes the surface brighter, shinier and more resistance to damage.  EZ Able showers come with a 30-year warranty!

In summary, acrylic tubs and showers tend to offer better durability, heat retention, and a wider range of design options, but they come at a higher cost.

Fiberglass options are more budget-friendly, lighter for installation, but may require more maintenance and are generally less durable.

Your choice between acrylic and fiberglass should depend on your budget, aesthetic preferences, and how much emphasis you place on durability and maintenance.


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4 Easy Aging-in-Place Projects for Seniors

4 Easy Aging-in-Place Projects for Seniors

Has Your Life Changed?

Are you aging and starting to experience mobility challenges? Most people prefer to stay in their current space when starting to age instead of going through the hassle of moving to an assisted living home. Taking the necessary steps to renovate your home to improve safety is crucial for aging-in-place. Increasing accessibility indoors and out, remodeling the bathroom for more space, organizing the kitchen, and clearing unnecessary clutter are all great remodeling projects that’ll help accommodate challenges that seniors may face and allow you to independently live at home. For more helpful ideas on how to renovate your home so it’s ready for you to age safely, happily, and healthily, continue reading below.

Increase Your Home’s Accessibility Indoors & Out

Entering your home without a struggle is crucial. If your home has a deck with steps to get to the front door, installing an easy-access ramp is the first project you should tackle. The ramp is designed to be used in all weather conditions and is ideally used for wheelchairs, walkers, and scooters.

Next, if your home has stairs inside, take a look at what will be the best option to increase accessibility. Chairlifts can be installed on staircases to accommodate both straight or curved designs. If there are smaller steps to get to one room from another, add a handrail if there’s not one in place already. If your home has multiple large staircases, a home elevator might be a worthwhile investment. Find a professional to come and evaluate your space to see what the best options are for your home. Adding these features to your space will make it much easier for you to be able to move around without any obstacles getting in the way.

Remodel the Bathroom

Vida prefabricated shower

Next, take a look at your bathrooms. It’s crucial you have enough space to move around if you’re using a wheelchair, scooter, or walker. If your space is not safe, you should remodel all bathrooms for easier access to prevent falls or injuries.

If the shower is difficult to get in and out of, perhaps install a large walk-in shower with handrails and a seat to accommodate you. You might also want to install a flooring option best suited for wheelchairs. If your bathroom currently has tiles, be aware that they can become slippery when wet. You might also want to replace the vanity with a lower countertop option for easy access just in case. Poor lighting can also become a safety hazard. Increase the wattage of your bulbs for a bright and well-lit space that’s easy to navigate.

The bathroom alone can be a hefty project that adds up quickly—which can be stressful when planning to make other updates to your home as well. As a homeowner, you’ve more than likely built up equity in your home over the years.

Start by applying for a home equity line of credit and if you’re approved, you can borrow from the equity you’ve built and put those funds towards home improvement projects. What’s beneficial about this option is that it can be tax-deductible since you’re putting the money towards updating your home. It’s crucial to explore the best options possible to help you fund your home’s projects so you’re not hurting your finances in the long run.

Organize the Kitchen

Vida prefabricated shower

Organizing the kitchen is important so you can easily access the cupboards and other areas like the pantry. First, you might want to utilize the lower cupboards for your main cooking utensils and dishes. This is helpful just in case it’s a struggle to reach cabinets that are higher. Next, consider installing a kitchen pullout pantry so you can see everything without having to shuffle around to find what you’re looking for. If the countertops are sharp, you may want to have them rounded out to avoid bumping into them and potentially hurting your side or hip. This will increase the safety of your kitchen as well. If your microwave is up high, move it to a lower cabinet to reduce having to reach above your shoulders. Minimizing the amount of reaching and lifting things above your shoulders will prevent any accidents such as pulling a muscle or losing balance.

Don’t forget about delivery services that’ll help you get your groceries without having to leave your home. Instacart, DoorDash, and Grubhub are all great services to use to order your groceries or meals without having to go pick them up. This is helpful, especially if the weather is not something you feel comfortable leaving your home in. You should also look into having your mail delivered to your door instead of your mailbox. These are all great ways to increase accessibility around your home and help minimize the number of errands you have to make.

Clear the Clutter

Clearing the clutter around your home is crucial to help increase accessibility. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that each year, millions of people 65 and older, experience a fall, and one out of five falls caused a serious injury. Those injuries consist of broken bones or head injuries. To help avoid the possibility of falling, start by getting rid of any unnecessary items lying around your home such as rugs, old or broken furniture, items on the floor, unused decorations, and unused electronics or wires. If you’re not willing to part ways with some items, create separate piles to keep, throw out, or donate. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from a friend or family member because clearing clutter in your home can be a big and long task. Once you’ve sorted through your belongings, organize your space, so there’s nothing that can potentially get in your way and cause you to fall. If your home is smaller and you don’t have enough space to store items that you’re not ready to get rid of yet, find a storage space near you to keep your belongings in safely. Clearing your home of any clutter will allow you to move around your home without any worry of something getting in the way making it much easier to peacefully age in place.

Aging should not deter you from wanting to stay in your home and enjoy it. Aging in place is doable as long as you make the necessary updates to your space to allow you to independently and safely live in your home.