
As many states are beginning to institute and enforce “Shelter-in-Place” orders, we wanted to provide an update addressing our current state of business. Please review our official statement below:

In response to the “Shelter-in-Place” orders, EZ Able® will remain fully operational, as we have been identified as a necessary supplier and supply chain partner to businesses that are recognized as an essential part of critical infrastructure.

Due to the crucial role we play in providing Medical Equipment (Home and Facility Accessibility) to the elderly, physically disabled, and mobility challenged individuals, EZ Able® has been, and will continue to, operate to and from areas impacted by City and State “Shelter-in-Place” orders.

As a partner, supplier, and vendor in the above endeavor, our employees and all our suppliers are crucial, necessary, and essential in maintaining our ability to support our clients.

Residential, Commercial, and Public Facility Safety

It is essential to continue to provide ADA access products, so all individuals have the ability to quickly and safely enter/exit both buildings and homes in case of an emergency. Our customers and other Healthcare Providers require EZ Able® provide safe access/egress, otherwise those with mobility concerns may be in potential danger, and if conditions within the home or a facility become unsafe citizens are at risk.

Continuation of Care

EZ Able® also plays a part in the “continuation of care” as provided by the VA and Healthcare Providers, as many of our products are often prescribed as part of the customer’s ongoing medical treatment. The government requires all individuals have access to the required out of home healthcare or emergency treatment or testing, which is vital as part of their continued healthcare program.

It is imperative we continue to work together to support the government requirements, each other and those in need during this unprecedented situation, and we appreciate your efforts and assistance at this time.

This designation is consistent with the United States Department of Homeland Security’s March 19 Memorandum Identifying Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers.

Jody Fisk – President
EZ Able®

Stay home, Stay Safe 



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